Today is the National Day of Unplugging.  It’s also the return of Daylight Savings Time – when we lose an hour.  The two have been combined in a sense to build upon this notion that we Spring Forward, losing an hour.  And if you take the time for a digital sabbath, to unplug for a day – you will gain so much more time than an hour.  (The average American spends over 12-15 hours a day with computers, phones, social media and screens for entertainment).

I Unplug to....

So unplug – in order to reconnect.  What will you do with the extra time you regain and reclaim by practicing a digital sabbath?


For ideas about the National Day of Unplugging, history and suggested ways to use the “found” time visit the official website at:


Check out the Sabbath Manifesto at the heart of this movement at

Sabbath Manifesto 10 points