Peace Slide


Malachi 3:1-4

Luke 1:68-79

Philippians 1:3-11

Luke 3:1-6


The scriptures readings proposed by the lectionary cycle for this second Sunday of Advent can be seen as connected through a theme of Peace.  The prophet-messenger Malachi talks about how God will bring about peace through perfecting, refining and cleansing the people.  Luke 1 tells the song of joy of Zechariah in response to the birth of a long unexpected child – John – saying that this child will lead the people, calling them to walk in the way of peace – the Way of God.  In his letter to the church in Philippi, Paul talks of the joy he feels in knowing that their relationship is growing, and their relationship with God is also growing – and interdependence among human and divine community, justice and solidarity which is the essence of God’s shalom peace.  Luke 3 speaks of the peace that God’s salvation will bring to all flesh, and all of creation; the mystery that such a word of hope comes not to who we expected (the emperor and Temple authorities) but to the unexpected on the margins of our society and vision: John.

Our hope is that Christ is coming.  Living in the in-between of Creation and the Day of the Lord, between the coming of Jesus as a baby in Bethlehem and the eschatological coming of Jesus in the future, between the incarnation and the second coming, we are called to hope actively and with perspiration and elbow grease for peace on Earth.

  • How do you long for peace in this Advent season?
  • What peace do you need?
  • What peace do we need?