Song of Faith_Monte
Today at @CAPCOakland, we started a new Sunday Series on the Psalms – writing our own songs of faith. Here’s our first submission.
A Song of Faith
by Monte McClain
June 7, 2020
The psalmist says that those who put their trust in you, Spirit of Life,
Are like trees planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither.
Like a mother with many children,
Like a light put on a stand to illuminate the whole house.
But I, Lord I feel numb with fear and dread.
I am afraid when I leave my home.
It’s like leaving behind the ramparts of your keep,
choosing to enter a battle-zone,
where an invisible virus is waiting to pounce,
to possibly change the course of my life,
or the well-being of my loved ones.
And I feel embarrassed when I realize that when I leave my home,
I’m not afraid that I might not return home alive,
for I’m unafraid of the police or other people.
In my privilege, I can all too easily choose complacency.
In my comfort, I can all to easily believe I’m self-sufficient.
In my rage, I all to quickly see those with whom I disagree, as the bad apples.
In the ease with which I move through the world,
I all too often forget that everything is yours, that all life is a gift:
that moves me to reckless generosity,
abundant solidarity,
and the vocation to be continually transformed by the power of your Word.
Lord, it’s not that I don’t believe in you.
It’s not that I don’t trust you.
It’s that all too often I act as if I don’t need you,
As if I can, or must dominate everything that comes my way in life,
As if I deserve more space, or matter more than others.
Remind me Christ when I leave my house, or stay at home,
As I don a face mask or lift up a sign in protest,
that I – as much as my neighbor –
am one of your beloved,
created in your image;
that the flowing streams of water nourish all that grows along the way it passes,
that you have called me,
That you claim me,
And will not let us wither and perish.