We’re bombarded by noise in our daily life.  The noise comes in voices, beeps, alerts, pings, sirens, static, and white noise.  We’re surrounded by the noise of  tv, radio, people talking, people talking on cell phone when you want silence, text messages, emails.  This cacophony so easily distracts us, and quite un-noticed overwhelms us with input – even when not desired.  Is it any wonder that we often feel stressed, irritable, like our lid is going to flip?


The spiritual mystics, of all traditions, often speak of silence as a space, a place, an inner sanctuary, or interior castle.  It’s both a space – different than the outside turbulent one – and a place of strength, centering, foundation and spiritual orientation.  We can’t make our lives – or even places in our lives – really soundproof.  But we can cultivate that interior silence, an active listening – in view of hearing that small quiet voice of God, as well as the words spoken by our own physical bodies to our soul.


Try sitting in silence today for 2, 3, 4, or 5 minutes.  Be comfortable physically, so that you’re not distracted, for example if you sit with crossed legs your legs may fall asleep.  Have you feet flat on the ground, feel the solid foundation holding you up (even when you’re unaware of it).  If you need to set an alarm on your phone or watch.  Be sure to silence your phone though…you’ll still hear the alarm. The alarm may free you to not be anxiously looking at the clock every few seconds o see if you’re done.  If you get distracted in the silence by noise – interior or exterior – take a deep breath, from deep in you abdomen (not in your throat), paying attention to your breath coming in and going out, the raising of your chest and abdomen.  Then do it again two times….that might bring you back to a quiet place.


What did you hear?  How did you feel after?  Did your pulse go down? What did you notice?


If you’re interested in pursuing silence here are a few links to sites that offer that practice and give guiding tips.