I seem to often be in a rush – late – trying to squeeze it all in – feeling like I have to do a few more things – and then at the end of the day feeling as if I didn’t get enough done.  I don’t believe that my worth is measure is in terms of what I accomplish, do or can do.  And yet….that seems reinforced by my compliance with our society of constant busyness as a sort of idol.  In my frantic and frenetic daily rhythm, I regularly pass right by the blessings, good things, or “moments” that are right in front of me.  Maybe I’m just missing momentary pleasure, and maybe I’m streaking past something deeper, a containment and blessing that is inherent in life yet increasingly invisible in our productive world.  Somehow I suspect that I’m not alone in my frenetic rhythm.  And I don’t think I’m simply projecting my feelings onto others.


Today take time to savor something.  Enjoy it.  Slow down to take it in.  Appreciate it.  Maybe even share it with someone else.  Sit down when you eat.  Smell the coffee as you grind it, or brew it.  Sit and take in the aroma of the food you eat.  Feel the warmth or smoothness of the chair you sit in.  If you’re on something soft like a couch or blanket, lay your hand on it and enjoy it for a minute. If you eat ice cream notice how it feels on your tongue after a delectable lick.


How did the intention to savor something – or even many things – affect you?  What feelings does it bring up in you?  How does it shape your other encounters with things, people and the world during the day?